Kui veel paar päeva tagasi elasime kõik kevade ootuses-lootuses, siis täna tantsivad väljas miljonid lumehelbed oma metsikus arktilises rütmis. Kõik pungad ja võrsed ning lumikellukeste õied on paksu pehme lume all. Tavaliselt toob lumi kaasa endaga elevuse, täna on aga taevas hall ja vägisi tekib mõte, et peaks kuhugi sooja sõitma.
Masenduse peletamiseks otsustasin ikkagi suvele mõelda ning hakkan aiamööblit aretama. Mosaiiktehnikas. Missugust just, pole veel teada. Aga katsetan ikkagi.
Some days ago we were full of hope and the countdown towards spring started already. Today there are billions of snowflakes danncing in a wild arctic rythm. Everything is covered with heavy snow. Normally winterdays bring some kind of joy, but the sky is low and grey today and I´m thinking of moving to some warmer place again:(
Anyway, I decided to fight against stress and I will start to develop garden furniture. I do not have any concrete plan yet, but I know it should be covered with mosaic.

Täitsa võimalik teha. Ma olen selliseid isegi näinud ja oma käega katsunud. Vinge kui sellised omale teed.
First of all, I'm very glad you stopped by in my garden for it lead me to your lovely blog. Although I can't understand everything that's written on there, I'm very good at reading between the lines ;-). And your photos make a wonderful addition to it all. The weather is getting so weird isn't it? I can understand snow in March, but what look and feels really weird is almost summery time that follows or precedes this cold weather. By the way, your pets are just adorable.
Happy Easter and greetings from the wintery Mediterranean.
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