It always happens so, that first I do and then I think, if I think at all. My hands are somehow separated from brain; if I knew how hard work would be to build a small pond, I wouldn´t built it at all. But ready it is and to be honest, I am satisfied, though my hands look terrible and probably I need organ donatation- new back is required:)
I used regular garden plastic (0,8 mm) and I folded it, so it´s in 2 layers.
I could not dig deep, because it´s possible to dig only 15 cm without problems, after that comes limestone already. So the pond has depth about 70 cm, deep enought to have a waterlily in it.
It´s dull and grey yet, but I have plan how to have plants around it. Good ideas and suggestions are welcome!
Veesilmaga on nagu kõikide minu asjadega- tehtud, mõeldud! See tähendab, et käed hakkavad liikuma iseseisvalt, ajust eraldi. Tuleb tunnistada, et oleks ma osanud arvata, kui raske see töö on- ilmselt poleks ma seda ette võtnud. Aga nüüd on ta valmis ja selg valus ja käsi ei julge eriti näidata, ammugi siis mitte maniküüri minna.
Kuna basseinikile oli tohutult suurte tükkidena, ostsin tavalise paksemat sorti aiakile (0,8 mm) ning panin selle kahekihilisena.
Eriti sügavat kaevata ei olnud võimalik, kuna siinkandis on normaalselt kaevatavat maad umbes 15 cm, edasi tuleb veeris ning paekivi. Sügavamas osas on umbes 70 cm, seega paras, et sinna mõni vesiroos kasvama panna.
Praegu on pilt suht hall ja igav, ootan juba aega, et saaks ääre ära taimestada. Hostad on niikuinii kasvamas suure kivi juures, kuhugi paneks vist ka mõne sõnajala. Mida veel? Ootan häid mõtteid,
vesi sees
Uh, said suure tööga hakkama! Ma juba pikemat aega mõtlen ka teha mingit veeloiku, kuhu oleks võimalik jõest pumbata vett aia kastmiseks, aga laisk nagu ma olen, kardan, et ei saa puhastamisega hakkama. Nüüd on metallist kokkukeevitatud veehoidla haneaias maasse kaevatud - las siis suplevad ja väetavad mu kastmisvett.
Paar siberi iirist ja astilbet void ju ka sinna istutada, need vähe hoolt vajavad lilled ja suvi läbi näevad kenad välja.
päevaliiliad! Väga hästi sobivad veesilmade kõrvale. Näevad üsna troopilised välja ka.
Aga ega neid taimi liiga palju ka sinna uhada saa, pärast on sul seal niuke tihnik...
Hi AiaKirjanik,
Your little pond is very pretty. Already it has a calming effect. I cant suggest plants to grow around it as we belong to different time zones.
Thanks for visiting my blog. It was exciting to hear about your Brugmansia. Here in western India the Brugmansia flowers almost through the year. I had kind of taken that for granted.
I don't know much about ponds, but I do appreciate them. Yours looks like it will be very beautiful. I really like the placement of your stones.
Wonderful work. And may I add that even now it looks stunning. You might have troubled your back, but you were about to create another masterpiece that will grace both your garden and your gardening spirit for a long time. And I'm sure you will adorn it with equally beautiful plants. What I can share from my experience, are these two quite rewarding plants: Acorus calamus which I grow on the edge and Equisetum fluviatile, one striking bog plant that can be planted quite deep and is also quite hardy. For the rest, I love Water Hyacinths but they are so hard to overwinter indoors, at least for me, and although one is enough to self-propagate into many more during the summer, I have only found a few that show some signs of life this spring. Let's hope the gentle spring breeze and the sunrays will bring them back to life.
Thanks for good advice!
Violet, did I understand correctly, that these plants are beside the pool, not inside?
Aitäh kaasa mõtlemast!
Acorus I keep at the side yes, but the rest are inside the pond, especially Equisetum which I have growing at different depths, and Water Hyacinth is a floating plant. Very interesting.
väga kena, tänan mõtete eest!
Nii nunnu pisike tiik! Muide, ise kavacen teha tiigikese nii 80l ehitusvannist. Lihtne paigaldada, kerge hooldada. Sisse elama panen kallad & vesiroosi. Ootan huviga, mida Sina istutad:)
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