Last week I was travelling to Copenhagen. I have been there every year in the end of March, but this year I was taken by surprise- in the morning the whole town was covered by snow! I guess that even the eldest people in that town do not remember March like that. The same was situation in south of Sweden and of course in Finland, where it is natural at least.
Hamlet´s castle was still standing on it´s place, nothing seemed to be rotten in the kingdom of Denmark, except the fact, that I did not find any garden shops in the centrum of Copenhagen. That´s a pity, of course. Anyway, I brought with me a piece of hedera helix, since it comes from kingdon, I will call it It´s Royal Majesty H.Helix.
This photo is not taken by me, but I wish it were:) In fact, it´s stolen from internet.
Eelmise nädala veetsin Kopenhaagenis. Igal aastal märtsivaheajal olen seal käinud ning tavaliselt õitsevad sel ajal nartsissid, sinililled ja forsüütiad. Nii ka sel aastal, kuid kõik need olid paksu lumekihi all! Usun, et isegi vanimad Kopenhaageni elanikud ei mäleta sellist märtsi. Sama oli muidugi lugu ka lõuna-Rootsis ning Soomes, kuid Soomes on see vähemasti loomulik.
Hamleti loss seisis ikka omas kohas, miskit ei tundunud Taani riigis eriliselt mäda olevat peale selle, et Kop. kesklinnas ei ole ühtegi ainaduskauplust:( Igatahes tõis sealt kaasa tükikese luuderohust, mis kasvas metsikult Kuningliku Kunstimuuseumi ees asfaldis ning tänu kuninglikule päritolule sai see taimeke nimeks Tema Kuninglik Kõrgus H.Helix.
Excellent picture!
Thank you.
Hi, just had a quick stroll, come back later. All that snow! The kids enjoy it and truely it looks like a fairy tale. Look forward to spring with the sun warm on your back while planting!
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